
Gumbuya World

When new owners took over Gumbuya park in 2016, they requested Pico Play to transform the 32-hectare park into a viable and sustainable tourist destination.
Project Category
Theme Parks
Melbourne, Australia

Gumbuya World

Pico Play was tasked with transforming the original Gumbuya Park into a sustainable tourist destination. Understanding the park's heritage, key features, and target customers, they developed a successful concept. Collaborating with the new owners, they determined a suitable budget for stage1, setting the stage for future investments.


Pico Play led the $50 million re-development project, transforming the old Gumbuya Park into Gumbuya World's multi-zoned theme park within 8 months. The new park features a Water Park, Oz Adventure Zone, Outback Explorer Zone, and Wildlife Trail. We conducted a site analysis and identified Gumbuya brands strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and then we decided to build on the unique Australian Bush theme and embrace its history and legacy.

Phase 1 of Gumbuya World opened to the public in December 2017 and exceeded the original business projections.


Gumbuya World exceeded attendance projections after 2 years of trading. The owners have commissioned Pico Play to develop a strategic master plan for the theme park, new attractions, and a 10-year business case. The plan incorporates the development of a complete resort and entertainment destination on surrounding lands, surpassing the original forecast.

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