
Let’s get ‘phygital’

Pico Play is developing a 'phygital' system that enhances guest experiences by making them more interactive, personalized, accessible, and convenient.
Written by
Susan Anehagen
Published on
21st August, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, the boundaries between physical and digital are blending like never before, creating a game-changing concept called "phygital." This exciting mix of real-world and digital experiences is shaking up how businesses connect with their customers, especially in indoor attractions. Phygital offerings aren’t just a passing fad—they’re a powerful way to elevate the guest experience to new heights.

One of the key benefits of phygital experiences is enhanced interactivity. Unlike traditional attractions that often involve passive participation, phygital attractions make guests active participants. For example, in a family entertainment center with interactive projection mapping, children can use tablets to embark on a digital scavenger hunt. As they explore, the environment responds with dynamic visuals and sounds, creating an immersive and memorable experience.

Another significant advantage is personalization. Phygital experiences can be tailored to individual preferences, creating a unique journey for each guest. By integrating digital elements such as apps, wearables, or smart devices, attractions can gather data on visitor behaviour and preferences. This data can then be used to offer personalized recommendations, guide guests through tailored paths, or even adjust the environment in real-time to match the visitor’s interests. This level of customisation enhances satisfaction and makes the experience more memorable.

Axtion City 3D

Moreover, phygital offerings can significantly increase accessibility. Digital components like virtual reality (VR) or interactive kiosks can provide alternative ways for guests with disabilities to experience attractions that might otherwise be challenging to navigate physically. This inclusivity broadens the appeal of an attraction, making it more welcoming to a diverse audience.

Phygital experiences also add a layer of convenience. Through digital ticketing, mobile apps, and online reservations, guests can plan their visits more efficiently. Once on-site, features like digital maps, real-time updates, and interactive guides enhance the overall experience by reducing stress and allowing visitors to focus on enjoying their time.

Pico Play is developing its own phygital system, set to transform the guest experience by making it more interactive, personalized, accessible, and convenient. By embracing this fusion of the physical and digital, Pico Play is not only staying ahead in a competitive market but also setting new standards for visitor engagement and satisfaction. Want to learn more? Let's talk: